Why Haris Ahmed Believes Dan Brown Is A World In Himself?


There are very few people living in this world who have gone through the cerebral books written by Dan Brown and has not gone through them for quite a few times more. Hating Dan Brown is simply not possible because of the brainstorming episodes that he represents in each of the books he scripts.

Haris Ahmed, who is a BTech student in Chicago for quite some time has an affinity for Dan Brown since he read Da Vinci Code for the first time. Even though he was forced to read the book for the first time by a friend of his, the experience if going through it was unimaginable. There are enough reasons why Tom Hanks starred in the movies that were adapted from the novels Angels and Demons and Da Vinci Code. He grew so much of interest in the author that he went for further research work on the author.

Few Interesting Facts about Dan Brown That Haris Ahmed Couldn’t Believe

Like people are inspired by Dan Brown, even Dan was inspired by another legendary author Sidney Sheldon. There’s a short story behind this. As Dan was on a vacation in Tahiti and was strolling on the beaches, he found a book named The Doomsday Conspiracy left on the beach. He couldn’t resist taking a look at the piece, and started reading there itself. And history says, it is the same book that inspired Dan to take up writing a novel.

Dan has a knack for music as well. In all the interviews he has given, he never forgets to mention how music charges him up to create something new. To utmost surprise, there are quite a few albums released in his name, one of them being Angels and Demons. He himself accepts that he picked the name up for one of his novels that he wrote later.

There are several stories where successful men take a break at times in their life. However, this is completely an opposite story in case of Dan Brown. Even though he earns in millions from the books he had already written, he has still not given up writing. Those who have seen him working closely have said that Dan wakes up at 4 AM in the morning every single day and sits to write for all the seven days. There are not Christmas breaks in his life as well.

Dedication and determination pays, and Dan Brown has already proved that. His success can definitely not be measured, but figures say that in 2005 itself, Dan Brown had earned $76.5 million from his own writing. With a net worth of $100 million, Dan Brown is definitely one of the most influential of all authors living now.

What Haris Ahmed finds astonishing is even though he is one of the most reputed novelist of all times, Dan himself doesn’t love to read fictions and finds it pretty hard to go through any novel. In the block of his reading genre, he has everything except novels.

Named the Fortress of Gratitude, Dan’s personal library is a treasure in itself. All the books he has written and all the translations that has been published till date has found their place in the library. Even his library is hidden behind a secret compartment which apparently will look like a picture from outside. The entire maze that his house is designed, gives the idea where the confusing plots in his novels comes from.

There’s no way you can hate Dan, his life and his works. The more you know him, the more you get amazed.

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