Buying Your Dream House? How To Get The Best Deal


“Buying any home is a huge investment, so it’s important that you do your research and ask all the right questions to ensure you get the very best possible deal” says Wimbledon estate agent, Robert Holmes. These tactics will help you to ensure that moving into your new place is everything you dreamed it would be, not a nightmare decision you wish you’d never made.

Get Online

Just a few years ago, house hunting meant spending hours scouring newspapers and visiting every estate agent on the high street. Now you can get all the information you need, including detailed floor plans and information about the local area, at the touch of a button.

Buying Your Dream House? How To Get The Best Deal

“Visit different websites, research the local property market and if you’re looking to buy new, find out which developers are offering incentives to buyers. It’s also a great idea to look out for property hotspots so you can bag a great investment opportunity” advises Eden Harper.

Get to Know Local Agents 

Although there’s no need to visit agents in the early stages of your search, it makes good sense to get to know them in person when you start seriously looking. Estate agents haven’t always had the best reputation, but instead of treating them as baddies who are just out for your money, get them on side. If you can build up a good rapport with your local agents you’ll be at the forefront of their minds when new properties become available; hugely increasing your chances of finding your dream home for a bargain price.

Buying Your Dream House? How To Get The Best Deal

Plan Your Viewings Sensibly

It can be very stressful fitting lots of viewings into an already busy schedule, so plan accordingly. Instead of doing them in fits and starts, block out a solid couple of days to get as many done as possible. It’s easier to make a decision if they’re all fresh in your mind, and you’ll find it far easier to manage than if they’re scattered over a period of weeks. Also, try to book visits for weekdays if you can- weekends are notoriously busy and you’re more likely to have time to ask questions and browse if the agent doesn’t have a jam packed diary.

Buying Your Dream House? How To Get The Best Deal

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

Getting a great deal requires a bit of detective work, so ask questions and investigate. Gather clues as you’re looking around, think about how you can use the space more efficiently and ask what’s prompted the sale – if the vendors are in a hurry to move there might be some wriggle room on the asking price.

Lastly, Best Gapp says it’s still worth putting things in writing. “Even after you’ve made a verbal offer, it’s good practice to follow up with an email or letter. It shows the agent and the vendor that you’re really serious and will help to get the ball rolling quickly.”

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